Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Birthday came and was fabulous

Well I am now 39. Wow, almost 40. I feel like I could do anything, I feel like my time in the world has just begun. I can do anything. Have you ever felt that way??? I mean, there is no one to tell me no, no one to ty to change my mind or talk me out of it. I am my own person, and can do what I want. I am powerful.
Oh yeah, I finally cut all the perm from my hair. I want to grow it out and somehow I think I will probably at somepoint get some type of a texurizer. I dont know whats going to happen. I like straight hair, but like the strength of natural hair. I also believe it's stronger only because the care I would be giving it, natural or straigthened.

Friday, July 25, 2008

My secret crush

I have finally met someone, after 15 years of off and on dating and no real relationships. So far, I dont feel crowded....this is a major issue with me. He has a career, something he wanted to do and did it. (I love a determined spirit). We have many things in common, I am such a free will spirit, a complete sports nut. I hate it when a man instantly thinks a woman knows nothing about sports.

What has been goin on with my hair

Well it's still natural, yay me, this is some of the longest I have ever been on something ever. At this point I am serious about it. They say 30 days, well it's been since January 8th, 2008. I am still struggling with cutting it all off versus waiting a little longer to cut it all off. By all I mean the permed ends. I was so wrapped up into wondering what kind of hair type I had that I didn't realize I can't tell. So to any of you reading this, please let your hair get at least two or more inches of natural growth to understand your hair type. You just cant tell. Now if you've cut the perm off, you may see it sooner. I am not ready. My permed ends are not scraggly or bad, just straight. The hair is strong and healthy. I keep telling myself I need to keep the ends to allow for my braider to have something to grasp, so it will continue to look neat, but I think it really is just fear. I don't like short hair. It's not that it's ugly, I just don't like it. Another I have also noticed since wearing so many braided hairstyles, My appearance is more youthful with hair away from my face. I can not wear styles that cover my face. People have often given me compliments when I wore an up do, I always thought it was because my hair was "just done". No it's that fact that it was away from my face. I remember my mom telling me I had a perfect oval face, I took it to believe my face was long. No, it's oval and should be shown. I also believe my B vitamins and Omega 3-6-9 have totally helped with my appearance. I don't see eye lines or crevices. I will continue to watch this. So for now, I will keep braiding my hair, until I am ready to showcase it, when I am ready, I will upload before pics as well.

I am finally moving forward at work

Well I've been here, dealing with daily crap as it happens on a daily basis. I have finally been able to move forward at my job. I will be training into the next higher level role within the next month. I felt stuck to honestly say it. I have been around the medical field 18 years and my experience totally shows. I felt stifled. I felt like a few people were actually trying to hold me back, actually I know this was the problem. I like peer review, I think it makes for a better person, but when your not the best of friends with that person, the one that is to assist you in getting further, well.... you can imagine just how far you well be going.
Anyway more on this later.