Friday, August 22, 2008

Priate school secretary and more life anguish

OK, so my son is in a lovely private high school, oh wait I mean lovely expensive high school. I have been having an issue or to with this year amounts, scholarship info...etc. Well, everytime I called I always get the secretary, who's voice sounds like she has smoked since she was in pre-K, very nasty woman. Anyway, I've been told there is no scholarship aid for the year and I gotta pay the thousands upfront...HELLO??!!?? OK, well that's not gonna happen. *flashback a couple days....I am in a financial crisis, this doesn't help. So, back to the carcinogen breathing meanie at the school, my son is a good kid, a couple teachers and coaches went to bat for me. But get this, the smoked out frizzy hair heffa has reported that I had bounced checks last year! Um, to the tune of 7 she says. OK, I guess she assumed I was some ignorant black chic with a son that plays football well and was looking for a handout. Wrong, I am an educated black chica that happens to have a smart athlete for a son. Get it right. I called so quick to schedule a meeting with the principal ASAP. But what really pisses me off, I wrote the 2 checks for registration and 7 for the year. So, this would mean, every check bounced. So, if this were the case, why would it go this long (another school year) and no one say anything?? Not, his schedule and everything else came as it should, he has continued with everything as he should, and this wench says this? She so doesn't know me, I made my appt for Tuesday 8AM. I was at work and didn't leave until 3:30 today and work Monday. When I got home today, first thing I did??? went to my files, pulled out my carbon copies of my checks written, wrote done which check numbers where which and when, then checked online with my bank and wrote down when they were cleared, THEN went back to my files and pulled each months bank statements with the checks clearly displayed as paid....nothing ever returned, and will be taking it in on Tuesday. I hope she is there to explain the "bounced" check statement, in front of the principal. If not, I will be going by her office to accept her humble apologize for saying such a damaging thing about me. I am just so frustrated with the stupidity and nerve of people some times. I would be afraid to make such a comment, its one thing if a check, any check had ever bounced or there was a problem, this is not the case. I mean really, didn't she realize that I would either have access to cancelled checks from my bank, or copies or a record of payments or something???
One thing this does is make me think about myself and image I give off. However, this walking emphysema carrying nicotine addict has never SEEN me, only talked to me on the phone, and trust me, I am the whitest sounding black chic. I am a California native and pronounce every syllable as it should be.
Onto other thoughts, my hair is still braided in these tree braids. I like them enough but they shed a horrendous amount. I don't know if it is me or the way she did the hair. I have not talked to anyone else except the 1 or 2 people that were in the shop getting theirs done that day. I don't know if its this hair or what. I'm really wanting a lace front wig. I hate that I can't get to my hair, like I like to. It itches and I can't get in there well, I cant put all of my good stuff in there I like want to. So, its either take these out and get some more of my beloved cornrows or soak up massive amounts of info about lace fronts and just get one.
The men issue, I am at a loss. I am obviously doing something wrong. I don't understand why I have never been able to meet a SINGLE male. Yes I do have certain expectations, who doesn't? But I'm not so closed minded as to be completely inflexible. I seem to keep running into married, taken, boyfriend, etc men. What drives me nuts, some lie about it, but most of these bastards are upfront about their relationships and expect me to be OK with it. The nerve.

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