Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My body, my health

Jillian, I want her body, the fact that she honestly was overweight and lost it and is older remains my inspiration.

I just thought about this, I have not really talked about or really but much effort into the taking care of myself in a while. One thing I know is I cannot break totally free from the 160's. As of right now I am 167 pounds. I think my dream goal is about 145 pounds. How hard is that really??? I dont want to look at the bright side of once being heavier and not gained all that back. I want this last 20 pounds gone. I know it's my intake and I dont put enough emphysis on working out. I plan for every Sunday and fail before the day is done. If I could just get started and get in 1 good week, I would be on my way. I cancelled all my gym memberships as I never was going and it was wasted cash at the tone of 80.00 a month, ouch. In the deep back of my mind I hope with my new condo I will go. There is going to be a free full service gym there. We shall see. I can plan and all, but doing it.....another blog all to itself.

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