Thursday, June 26, 2008


The past always catches up with you. Not much more to say to this. I cant say I neccesarily believe in Karma, but it seems that when people knowingly do things wrong to others, that something then come back to you. It doesn't happen right away all the time, but when it does. Ouch! The crazy part about it, you don't realize it is all connected. I am feeling this right now. My tags are costing me such a mega issue in my life, I am beyond upset about it.

Monday, June 23, 2008

North Carolina

I am not a fan of Jacksonville. It is small, country and extremily slow. It woud be a nice place to visit as a couple feeling stressed out and wanted to get away from EVERYTHING. I had a horrible time, saw and did nothing and was never so ready to leave anywhere in my life.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Supplement update

I like to think I am sticking to updating about supplements every 30 days. For me 30 days is enough time to decide if it is beneficial or not. My diet is pretty good, far from the best, I eat way to much fast food and more sugar than I should. I exercise and have lost alot of weight and kept it off for at least 2 years. All that to say my nutritional status is not too lacking in general. So What am I doing now? Biotin , B50 caps {they go down easier than 1 biggo B100} MSM , Zinc, pantothenic acid, Niacinamide, Liquid multi, chlorophyll, EFA liquid that I mix in protien powder {totally disguises the taste}. Seems like alot, but my skin has never looked better if not younger. I even see the difference. My hair is still braided from lat month so i have no check on that yet, but I know it has grown from the pieces that have come down when I wash and condition my hair. I as gonna do it this week, but came to NC instead.

North Carolina

Damn it, I forgot my camera. I came to visit a friend for the weekend, since my previous plans to go out of town were squashed with the air conditioner unit craping out on me, funny it did it when it was about to be 100 some odd degrees. I didn't even have the AC on yet for the season. Why do things like that always seam to happen at the worst hour? All these months. On top of that, I find out the damn thing wasnt really working as it should all along. It had been running like for ever, pissed off all over again thinking about how much money I have proably spent with that damn thing running and running like that.
Let me go back to the title thought. North Carolina. I came to visit a friend, never been here and I'll be damn if I didn't leave my camera at home. Oh well, I think the best description is that old sitcom that used to come on in the 90's. something about "Wings" or something like that. The whole show was based on 2 brothers that owned a small airline cmpany, an older sarcastic women worked the ticket counter, some young chic with big hair was on etc>>>> you get the pic, anywho, that show was probably filmed here. I'd swear it was. To top it all off, my friend is now an hour late, and the police officer has already asked if I need to get help or am I at the wrong airport???? I thought about that for a second, there is a Jacksonville in Florida!! Oh Shitzola, I looked out the window to make sure I saw NC plates on the cars, yeah the airport is small enough I can look out any of the windows and see the entire parking lot.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

men, singlehood, me

I am beginning to see a pattern, men in this late 30 age range are just sex crazy. They're married and alot of them are liars. I am a single woman, goodlooking, professional and great personality. (OK so I am not modest) any who, I think I would be a pretty lucky catch for any man, but unfortunately now most are married or taken in some way. It seems that the ones that are not are afraid. Very afraid, its kinda funny in fact. The last guy I dated was so insistent that I was not ready, when it was really him. I found out later on when he flipped out. wouldn't phone calls, just nonsense. When I asked did I upset him he said no, but is unsure about a relationship. OK well, I move on. I saw him just a couple weeks later and I guess he expected a better reception from me, as if that's not weird enough, he tells me that I didn't listen to him before, he harps on the word, YET, I'm like dude, you said you didn't want a relationship, I do, ((Hello)) make sense of that. You really expect me to sit and wait????

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I decided I wanted to learn a new sport. I was tired of doing what I normally do and wanted to learn to play golf. So I set out. It actually is a fun sport. A coworker is giving me a set of clubs (FREE) I am so siked, I dont want to rush her, but I am about to go on vacation and the weather is good right now....YEAH!! Next step LPGA. LOL More on this later

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wii fit

I found one, I found one. I got one and I love it. It's my own trainer right here at home. A little slow on some things but obviously my atheltesim that I already have is whats causing that. I love it though, lots a fun.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

my puff inspiration

I took a photo of my friends puff and it rocks.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Carols Daughters products

Well I went into Sephora and finally saw the carols daughter products. *SIGH* I really hoped it would work for my hair....NOPE!! well at least not right now. I tried the leave-in conditioner spray a couple times and to no avail. It felt kinda dry. I have braids so maybe that's the problem. I've read and seen where my braids soak up all my moisture. We'll see when I am ready to take these out for good. I think my hair is at a decent length but I am just not ready. I can't personally get past the short hair idea. Even though my cut was a short cut. (go figure). Anywho.......while I was in the "ETHNIC" section of Sephora, up walks a natural young chick, and I swear I have seen her fotki, she looked so familiar to me. I wasn't sure how to strike up the convo. Well, she got some of the smoothie stuff, good smelling, but pricey and she seemed very happy to have gotten the last one, "it's the only good thing really" I should've listened. The salesgirl, kept raving how good the products were for "our hair" ( funny thing she looked familiar also, she had her hair in twists, not completely sure if she had recently BC'd or was transitioning). I wanted to go back a day ago and tell her to please not emphasize how well a product is, make sure you alert people of others comments also. Our hair comes in many different shapes and types.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

NUSmile Teeth whitening

Ok, I am a true PJ (product junkie if you are unaware). I went into the mall and sa this the other day. Wish I had taken better pics of before. I saw the change like right away. I was shocked. They rated me a 3.5 and after 1....that's a change of 6 shades. WOW! I have thought of trying this in the dental office many times, but just couldn't see myself paying 800 bucks for it. I watched the movie and thought long and hard an did it. I keep looking at my teeth.