Friday, June 20, 2008

Supplement update

I like to think I am sticking to updating about supplements every 30 days. For me 30 days is enough time to decide if it is beneficial or not. My diet is pretty good, far from the best, I eat way to much fast food and more sugar than I should. I exercise and have lost alot of weight and kept it off for at least 2 years. All that to say my nutritional status is not too lacking in general. So What am I doing now? Biotin , B50 caps {they go down easier than 1 biggo B100} MSM , Zinc, pantothenic acid, Niacinamide, Liquid multi, chlorophyll, EFA liquid that I mix in protien powder {totally disguises the taste}. Seems like alot, but my skin has never looked better if not younger. I even see the difference. My hair is still braided from lat month so i have no check on that yet, but I know it has grown from the pieces that have come down when I wash and condition my hair. I as gonna do it this week, but came to NC instead.

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